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Date: Wed, 18 Nov 92 05:02:56
From: Space Digest maintainer <digests@isu.isunet.edu>
Reply-To: Space-request@isu.isunet.edu
Subject: Space Digest V15 #434
To: Space Digest Readers
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Space Digest Wed, 18 Nov 92 Volume 15 : Issue 434
Today's Topics:
Space suit research?
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Date: 18 Nov 92 01:40:18 GMT
From: Henry Spencer <henry@zoo.toronto.edu>
Subject: Space suit research?
Newsgroups: sci.space
In article <BxuEEB.1ow@access.digex.com> prb@access.digex.com (Pat) writes:
>cant you air cool even if the air is a little thin? i know jet aircraf
>seem to manage wven with a crappy thin atmosphere at 100,000 ft.
You can air-cool even if the air is a little thin, but 3psi isn't a little
thin, it's a lot thin. Nobody air-cools at 100,000ft; there's hardly any
air left at that altitude. (Nobody much flies at 100,000ft either; half
that is a more typical ceiling, and a lot of military avionics is not
>ALSO in apollo were EVA's part of the planned mission?
Yes, both on early flights for testing, and on the later lunar missions
for recovery of film canisters from the SM survey-equipment bay. Not to
mention a zillion contingency procedures that required that electronics
continue to function despite EVAs or pressure loss for other reasons.
MS-DOS is the OS/360 of the 1980s. | Henry Spencer @ U of Toronto Zoology
-Hal W. Hardenbergh (1985)| henry@zoo.toronto.edu utzoo!henry
Newsgroups: sci.space
From: Edmund Hack <arabia!hack>
Subject: Re: Clinton's address (was Re: Feynmann's legacy)
Message-Id: <1992Nov17.222910.21219@aio.jsc.nasa.gov>
Sender: USENET News System <news@aio.jsc.nasa.gov>
Organization: Lockheed ESC, Houston
References: <Bxn4F1.LBz.1@cs.cmu.edu> <1992Nov17.174422.23548@iti.org> <1992Nov17.133235.1@stsci.edu>
Distribution: sci,na
Date: Tue, 17 Nov 1992 22:29:10 GMT
Lines: 18
Source-Info: Sender is really news@CRABAPPLE.SRV.CS.CMU.EDU
Source-Info: Sender is really isu@VACATION.VENARI.CS.CMU.EDU
In article <1992Nov17.133235.1@stsci.edu> hathaway@stsci.edu writes:
>For such a together dude, why doesn't Clinton (and Gore) have an e-mail
>address and access to the NET??? They'll Never know what's going on
>unless they be on-line. They should at least be FAQed in.
Until recently, there was a set of email bridges between all 4 of the
major campaigns and a set of alt.politics.canditate groups. The Clinton
group is in transition :-) to a more permanent setup. It is my
understanding that the Clinton an Bush campaigns answered 1500+
questions each. In addition, all 3 of biggest candidates had some kind
of presence on Prodigy, with 250k+ messages generated.
Maybe someday there will be an bill@saxiphone.whitehouse.executive.gov
mail address.......
Edmund Hack - Lockheed Engineering & Sciences Co. - Houston, TX
hack@aio.jsc.nasa.gov - I speak only for myself, unless blah, blah..
End of Space Digest Volume 15 : Issue 434